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die Salzwelten GmbH

Excursion destinations for families and guests from around the world

In 2005, Salzwelten GmbH was established as a subsidiary company of Salinen Austria AG. It is responsible for the operation as well as marketing of visitor facilities at salt mines in Austria.

Over half a million visitors are welcomed annually to the three locations in Hallstatt, Altaussee and Salzburg (Hallein). In addition to the salt mines themselves, Salzwelten operates a funicular and the “World Heritage View” viewing platform in Hallstatt as well as the Celtic Village and Salt Manufactory on the Dürrnberg. The shops which are located at the visitor centers in Hallstatt, Altaussee, Salzburg as well as the town center of Bad Ischl offer a wide selection of salt products and souvenirs. In cooperation with Salinen Austria AG, a new online shop was launched in 2017.

With some 100 employees during summer season, Salzwelten GmbH generated revenues of roughly €13 million in 2019. The managerial structure consists of executive leadership, local managers, a sales department as well as marketing and press relations teams.

In addition to the regular guided tours, various theme tours are also offered. Hallstatt, for example, hosts a seasonal “Prehistoric Expedition”. Together with employees from Natural History Museum Vienna, guests explore Bronze Age sections of the Hallstatt salt mine.

At Salzwelten Salzburg and Altaussee, special children’s tours are given featuring animated short films focusing on Sally, a very clever little “mine duck”.

Fascinating tours about the looted art treasures which were rescued at the end of World War II, entitled “Bombing Michelangelo”, take place in Altaussee during July and August.

Tours are generally in German and English, though the children’s tours are offered only in German. Audio guides in various languages are available to borrow or in a free app.

In 2021, Salzwelten was once again awarded the “Seal for Visitor Safety” at its locations in Altaussee, Hallstatt and Salzburg. Issued annually by Austria’s central commission for mine and gas safety, certification reflects the very highest safety standards.

All locations provide free Wi-Fi for guests above ground along with an audio guide app in several languages.

Salzwelten Pressesprecher Harald Pernkopf  | © Kernmayer


Mag. Harald Pernkopf
+43 6132 200 2489
Salzbergstraße 21
4830 Hallstatt

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Salzwelten Destination Guide & Audio Guide

Hier können Sie sich Ihren Audioguide für die Salzwelten herunterladen. Es sind die Standorte Hallein, Hallstatt und Altaussee auf dieser App zusammengefasst.